
God Delusion By Richard Dawkins

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I discovered the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins when I began to reconsider the conventional answers I’d been given about the divine Nature and Existence of the Creator and his creation. I refused to accept the so-called ‘norms’ on the mystery of our existence without question or concern, I only became concerned when I noticed the foundation of evidence upon which science is based upon, and how religion incorporates a mixture of Primary and third-party evidence to justify and stabilise its various beliefs and Ideologies. The idea of truth on an evidential basis has always held a real fascination for me, in particular how Religion holds such a vast impact and power in the lives of people through the absence of any solid empirical evidence. …show more content…

Having visited the Grand Mosque in Makkah, the observation of several rituals related to the purification and enrichment of the body and the soul within the human body summoned an interest within me. I was particularly intrigued by the various organ systems within the body and how these systems run so effectively together to maintain, and repair the body.

In order to maintain my ambition for learning and evaluating different faiths and Ideologies I attended a daily Madrasah Class specialised in the Memorisation and study of the Holy Quran. I have attended these classes for over 4 years and have completed the entire memorisation of the Quran to a good standard. Also, I am able to interpret a majority of Quranic verses and explain the meaning in clarity and detail. Currently, I am taking a Quranic Arabic Course In which I will be able to speak Arabic fluently and with the correct pronunciation. I also plan to take a Bible Course by VW Wright on Udemy so that I gain a …show more content…

This motivated me to join an Organisation online which hosts meaningful debates open to people of all faiths, ethnicity and cultures. I was able to partake in various discussions which reinforced my open mind-set and sticking to the process of using analogical reasoning and deduction when putting my point forward. This is also reflected in my school work as it is very methodical and doesn’t oppose the learning specification which we were given. I am working towards becoming a debate captain on the site, and hosting my own debates and discussions which will allow me to influence and affect the wider community of people so that progress is made in allowing criticism to certain aspects and factors that are prevalent in society today. Joining and interacting with others on this site has greatly improved my leadership and communication skills. During my time as captain I plan to work with young, upcoming intellectuals supplying them with the correct skills and tutelage to help shape future leaders of the

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