God In The Odyssey Research Paper

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God in the Tanakh continuously distances himself from man’s actions with the intention of watching his Israelites obedience towards his principles in order to determine his people’s worthiness for protection. The shift God displays from a commanding ruler to a distant Lord highlights this message as the Israelites struggles to remain true to their Lord’s principles of life results in them controlling their fate; both individually and as a group. An excerpt from the book of Judges exemplifies the initial reaction to this development through the tale of Abimelech, a man who desires the position of nobility. His methods revolve around massacring “seventy men on one stone.”(Judges 9:5). This becomes more frightening when we consider these where …show more content…

Acts of piety are in abundance because of this knowledge meaning that anyone who avoids these essential offerings has sealed their fate. King Melanos of Sparta explains this principle as he describes to Telemachus his experience of being stranded on the island of Pharos with no hope escape. The god of the island Proteus eventually informs Melanos of the need to provide Zeus and the other gods a “handsome sacrifice” before voyaging back home in order to ensure a rapid journey. Proteus continues by stating that “It’s not your destiny yet to see your loved one..” implying that Melanos has the power to make returning home his destiny. Not only is Proteus reminding Melanos how vital sacrifices are, he’s also suggesting the gods intended for him to return, but he robbed himself of a peaceful return with his mistakes. Melanos’ experience sets the precedent of sacrifices and offerings becoming the blueprint towards forgiveness from the gods. Humans in The Odyssey lay claim to their ability to sway the gods’ opinion as their source of power in the such a supernatural world. The power that allows mortals to control their