Going To College Research Paper

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There was never a question if I were going to college, it was where. I remember having serious college talk when I was seven, eight, nine years old! Which in my opinion, is a little bit too young to ask a little girl “Where do you want to go to college?”. But my parents wanted to make sure I had the idea drilled in my head that I was going to go. This honestly made me even more motivated to do well in school, so I could achieve that goal of going to college. But as I enter my 5th hour studying an SAT practice book, I'm considering telling them I’m not going. And openly accepting being disowned by my family. I stand up, and feel like the whole room is spinning, I tightly grip the chair I was sitting in and wait for the dizzy spell to pass. I walk down the stairs like a 97 year …show more content…

Everyone was buzzing with their scores. People were showing them off like a five year old does with his participation trophy for soccer. I didn’t feel like asking anyone what they got. It felt too invading. It causes one of three things. One;you have to lie about your actually awful score, that you are mostly heartbroken over. Two;you have to tell your average score, which you're either very happy with or very disappointed. Three;you have to seem like you're bragging about your above average score. I would fall into category three. I’d rather practice humility, then make a fellow student feel absolutely horrible. So, I walked the halls with silently, casually listening to other people’s score, but not daring to say mine. My face is buried in my hands. The storms in my eyes have came back, and are raging. The past three weeks have resembled the month leading up to the SAT’s. My body is aching, butterflies have seem to made my stomach a permanent home, my eyes sting when I blink, and are as heavy as 68.8% of America. I constantly have to remind myself “You are setting yourself up now, to have fun later”. Ding! I look down at my phone. Hey! I miss

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