
Golden Age Of Government Spending Essay

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The end of World War II also saw the conclusion of another era - the Great Depression. The United States wanted to be sure that steps were taken to keep the nation on the right track in the post-war world. The result was what became known as the "Golden Age of Government Spending."

Defense Spending
World War II showed the Untied States that it must be able to defend itself at all times - in all places of the world. America had become a super power with the dropping of the atomic bombs, and the industrial output during the war.

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As a result, defense spending by the United States rose to 41% of the nation's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) by 1945 (it was previously 1.25% of the GDP).

The Korean War, in the 1950s, would account for 15% of the GDP in …show more content…

(Government Issue) Bill was created to support returning veterans. It increased expansion of higher education by giving returning soldiers money to attend college.

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In addition, more high schools and teachers were also needed due to the increase in college enrollment (and the need for high school diplomas in order to enter college).

Returning veterans could now attend universities around the nation. This would not only provide increased educational opportunities, but also offer job advancement that would have otherwise not been possible for the returning soldiers.

The G.I. Bill is still available for soldiers today - offering free college tuition for a commitment to the United States armed forces.

Healthcare & Welfare Spending
The Great Depression saw a time of increased illness due to the fact that many could not afford to go to the doctor.

As a result, the United States would take efforts in the decades following to ensure that medical coverage was available. During the presidency of Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s, both Medicare and Medicaid would be created to allow those who are elderly or in a state of poverty to be able to receive medical

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