Good Business: An Ethics Workshop Summary

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) John Endris(2016) in his book Good business: An Ethics Workshop
According to the author workplace is a complex network of people, decisions affect everything and every choice has an impact. Ethical practices at workplace are vital to establishing healthy and productive partnerships at work and also at home. Conduct of business and running workplace operations is an entwined web of relationships and so ethical practices and decisions are embedded into every decision that is taken and every choice that is made at the workplace. Ability to take ethical and just decisions allows managers and employees to articulate and evaluate opinions and other points of view, which is the key to healthy workplace and business relationships. Workplace ethics should constitute an important part of employment since they are essential to the company’s goal of achieving profitability directly related to high moral and increased performance. Ethical practices brings in a concept of accountability towards work, of being honest and doing the right things with integrity, spirit of teamwork and commitment to the goals and visions of the workplace. The …show more content…

It becomes a routine that emphasizes one's conduct in all circumstances, both at home and on the job. The business practices and its employees think of ethics as changeable with respect to a situation. For instance, it's acceptable in some organizations to allow their employees to falsify and inflate the numbers in accounting and financial statements even though the very employee would never lie on a financial disclosure form for applying for a loan. An employee considers it right to claim reimbursement of expenses for the business trip as per his entitlement despite incurring less expenditure, which he would not have done had the business been owned by the