Google Don T Be Evil Mission Statement

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There is no doubt that there needs to be an oversight of Google’s activities given the astronomical growth in number of users and the technology itself. Internet has risen from being just for intellectuals in academic/research environment to being ubiquitous with even a roadside vendor with no formal education relying on it. Hence, it is important for the industry leaders, like Google, to show high sense of responsibility in protecting its users, on whom they solely rely on for their revenue.
Protecting users on the internet shouldn’t depend on user’s ability to navigate through complex browser/cookie settings and acceptance of pages and pages of ever changing terms and conditions (T&C). “Don’t be evil” is a great mission statement but doesn’t work by itself. As in the physical world, there is a need for cyber-police to keep the users safe. …show more content…

Internet advertising is estimated to be a $135B industry of which nearly 50% is owned by Google. The consumers are at the best getting their browser to remember their shopping cart and get a few meaningful suggestions which are anyway few seconds away in today’s “Google” world. It is time users got a pie of it. Users should be incentivized for allowing the cookies to be loaded. Especially, 3rd party cookies should pay a license fee to every user whose activities are being tracked, if the user agrees to it. Users shouldn’t be made to pay privacy as a price for getting on to the internet and usage of cyberspace shouldn’t depend on acceptance of