
Gospel Of Christian Essay

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Gospel of Christian The following is the Gospel according to Christian. This gospel is directed to people who already believe in Christ, and who live in New York. This gospel will include an account of the birth of Jesus, a miracle act by Jesus, Lucifer’s attempt to tempt Jesus, a parable, and a last supper.
[Christian 1] Mary is a Hispanic, 15-year-old girl, from the Bronx, attending Fordham Preparatory School for Girls.1 Its late March 1996, Mary received a call confirming her pregnancy from Dr. Angel Gabriel.2 Mary happily proceeds to inform her boyfriend, Joseph. Joseph is a senior at Xavier High School, he wants to pursue a career in Carpentry.3 Nine months later. Mary is currently giving birth in Bethlehem Presbyterian Hospital, and Joseph is nervously fidgeting in the waiting room.4 The doctor is happy to inform Mary, and Joseph that she has given birth to a baby boy. Mary decides to call him Jesus.5
[Christian 2] It’s the day before Jesus’ 21st Birthday, December 24, 2017 and he is going out to a country club with his friends to celebrate.1 The event coordinator at the club told Jesus that the …show more content…

O’Connor how can I help you”, Jesus says, “I’m going to need you to show me your permanent resident card”, said the officer .4 “I don’t have it on my person sir, I don’t really carry that around with me”, says Jesus, “Am I arrested, do you have a warrant?”.5 As the officer responds “no”, Jesus quickly realizes that the officer approached him because of his appearance, and ethnic background.6 Jesus decides not to call the police to report this officer because he will be late to the party.7 Jesus remembered how his father always told him to never judge people on their

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