
Gospel Of Mark Essay: The Gospel According To Mark

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The Gospel of Mark takes readers on a captivating journey reveling the works and miracles that Jesus performed, depicting a life solely dedicated to servant hood.

Austerely speaking the Gospel of Mark does not specifically identify anyone as the author, however it is believed that through internal evidence John Mark cousin of Barnabas (Colossians 4:10), early traveling companion of Paul (Acts 12:25), ( 2 Tim 4:11) and spiritual son of Peter (I Peter 5:13) to be the author of the gospel. The title "According to Mark" or "The Gospel According to Mark" was fixated to the script in the 2nd century 1 when the Gospels were collected and there was a need to distinguish Mark's version from the others. Through external evidence Marcan authorship is supported post 70 AD by the testimony Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, who wrote in his last work (Exgesis of the Lord's Oracles) "Mark, who became Peter's interpreter, wrote accurately, though not in …show more content…

By demonstration of miracles he proves his divinity in Mark. There are more miracles than messages in this gospel. In Mark we see Jesus come as a servant. 7 He reveals Jesus through what he does. His mission and message is explained through his actions. The birth of Jesus is skipped and he focuses swiftly on presenting his public ministry. The theme of the gospel of Mark portrayed that Jesus came to serve mankind, giving his life in service. His message was lived out through service, an example for us to learn and follow. However bold Jesus ‘actions are, Mark portrays Jesus as a secretive and mysterious figure. Teaching in secret the disciples and commands the people who are healed not to tell anyone. Mark may have emphasized the Messianic secret to show that Jesus had to suffer and die, contrary to the beliefs and expectations of many followers. Disappointingly, Mark does not include the account of resurrection, only a sighting of the empty

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