Gospel-Rich Youth Ministry Book Review

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I want to start off talking about the foreward. The foreword begins by talking about Daniel's accomplishments of their brave yet thoughtful and faithful commitment to both God and his glory. Later on in the chapter it starts speaking on how we prepare our youth groups not only to survive the questions that atheists has for them but also thrive in answering them. The chapter ends saying that the youth of this generation is ready for us to bring them to Christ through the gospel so that their empowered to live for the predominance of Christ with courage and boldness.

I want to start talking about the main idea in the preface. The preface starts off telling us what the book is going to teach “the goal of this book is to give youth pastors, youth leaders, and parents a guide on how to lead a gospel-rich youth ministry”. It later talks about the trends in youth culture for example thinking christianity is just about being a nicer person.

The first chapter begins by him being asked a question of would you spank your kid. He describes the questions of and interview he had with a church he had applied for. It later on talks about a american teenagers fears. The two biggest fears of an american teenager are being alone, and rejection. Towards the end of …show more content…

Parents tend to look at us as if we failed them when their child strays away from the church blaming youth pastors. Today youth group is normally the only place a teenager receives biblical guidance. Later on in the chapter it talks on how intimacy now a days has been undervalued. Seen as something that only happens in the bedroom. When in reality intimacy comes as a reward of commitment to one another. After all of that it ends with getting your youth group to get to know the elderly, letting the elders of the church share stories and experiences uniting the church body as