Government: The Effect Of The Great Depression On The Government

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With the worst economic crisis the world has ever faced, the Great Depression started with a bang after the crash of 1929.The presidents of the 1920’s were Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. During their presidencies and even earlier the National Government was practicing Laissez-faire policies. Which means the government was not involved in much of the people’s lives. The government ignoring signs of economic disaster lead the United States into The Great Depression. This economic decline caused a great deal of changes in the United States. The Great Depression caused a shift in the government's role in the economy.
One of the effects on the government was that they shifted from Laissez-Faire policies. Leading up to the Great Depression the National …show more content…

On March 4, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was inaugurated and took his place in office. His first days in office marked the start of his hundred day legislation. It was his series of initiatives to counter the depression. FDR worked diligently to get the nation out of the Great Depression. He created a collection of public works projects and programs in an attempt to restart the economy and provide jobs. This line-up of programs came to be known as FDR’s New Deal. In his New Deal, FDR signed bills such as the Tennessee Valley Authority Act to allow the government to build dams in Tennessee and create inexpensive hydropower. He paid farmers to leave their farms inactive to boost produce prices. FDR also able to ratify the 21st amendment and end …show more content…

After the nation spiraled into the Great Depression they had to create new regulations and policies to establish stability. FDR created these policies to reform the nation’s economy. Some long lasting programs that FDR created were the Social Security Administration, Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The Social Security Administration is still used in modern day. It provides money to the elderly to provide them with living expense. The SEC was created to permanently monitor the stock market. It ensures that there is no fraud and attempts to protects the nation from another stock market crash. Finally, the FDIC insures the savings of depositors in banks to prevent money disappearing and banks closing. These reforms and many more that FDR created helped change the country. They insured that the nation would not fall victim to another Great

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