
Grade Level Literary Text Analysis

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• The student will be able to read a grade level, literary text with comprehension and fluency.
• The student will be able to relate a personal experience to a grade level, literary text.
• The student will be able to use reading comprehension strategies to annotate a grade level, literary text.
• The student will be able to make inferences about the theme of a grade level, literary text.
• The student will be able to cite evidence to support inferences about the theme of a grade level, literary text.

Related Georgia Performance Standards(s) and/or CCGPS Standard(s)

• ELAGSE7RL1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
• ELAGSE7RL2: Determine a theme and/or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text.
• ELAGSE7RL3: Analyze how particular …show more content…

Have the Prezi that corresponds with the lesson in a tab on the master computer: Link- https://prezi.com/7sab2ejd0c1e/gary-soto039s/ . Place the audio recording of “Seventh Grade” in the CD player. Have a master copy of the worksheet on the projector, ready to display.

Step One: Introduction (15 Minutes)
• Bell work: Students will record the daily vocabulary word in their writer’s notebook from the upper left hand corner of the whiteboard. Provide students with the term’s part(s) of speech, definition(s), and example(s).
• Previewing the Lesson: Display the Prezi presentation onto the whiteboard. Tell the students that they will be identifying textual evidence through the Notice and Note “Signposts” strategies to make inferences about the theme of Gary Soto’s short story “Seventh Grade.” Briefly review the Notice and Note signposts.
• Discuss the primary learning outcomes and performance standards that correspond with the

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