Grand Duchess Anastasia Research Paper

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Grand Duchess Anastasia In addition, death and mystery are as deep as life can get, says Mary Mapes Dodge, ¨Life is a mystery as deep as ever death can be; yet oh, how dear it is to you, this life we live and see!¨ (Mary Mapes Dodge). Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov was raised in a time when half of Russia was going against the czar and czarina. During this the Romanov family was murdered, but there was speculation that Anastasia was murdered or had escaped and went missing. The mystery behind Anastasia can be summed up in two theories: Anastasia went missing and she was murder. In the Beginning, when Anastasia Romanov was younger, she had a bright life, but the mystery is now when and how she died. First, all of the followers the royal family believes they were realeated to something, most followers of the Romanov royal family had said that Anastasia was Grand Duchess which is equivalent to be a princess (Anastasia 1). Next, even though being rich does not mean being conceited, Anastasia's parents firmly believe in discipline by having them treated like a common child …show more content…

During, the war there were rumors of what happened to the Romanov family, there were later reports that the family dies (Anastasia Arrives 2). Later, the people had open the grave, they had open the grave in 1991 and discover two bodies were missing, but people argue if it was Anastasia or sister, Maria. Then, there were rumors that executors killed them, Executors had an open fire on Anastasia, her family, and servants (Romanov 4). Last, they then found more evidence, In 2007 they had found another grave close to the original grave and in that grave Anastasia and her brother, Alexi, bodies where found. There is a lot more evidence that Anastasia had died from execution at a young age and had not escaped. Anastasia was concluded to be killed and her body was later found in another