Kicevo Killing Case

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January 12, 2005, in the small city of Kicevo Macedonia, a scrap collector on the edge of town came across the dumped body of Mitra Simjanoska, a former custodian in her early sixties. Police concluded that Mitra was killed some weeks before but had been brutally raped and strangled to death before being placed in a bag and discarded. Ante Risteski and Igor Mirceski were convicted of this crime, due to a similar crime in a nearby village, however, future evidence would declare them innocent in the death of Mitra.
Three years later, fifty-six-year-old Lubica Licoska went missing. Lubrica was another custodian from the same area of Kicevo that Mitra had lived in. After these connections were made, residents remembered Gorica Paevloska went missing earlier in 2003. She too was an elderly woman who was a custodian. Some weeks later, Lubrica was found raped then killed and was soon followed by Zivana Temelkoska who died in a similar fashion. She was also a custodian of similar age. Kicevo seemed to be the target grounds for a serial killer. Police interviewed family and friends but could make no arrests. It was only till blood found not belonging to the bodies that matched Vlado Taneski. Vlado lived in …show more content…

Vesna remembers making a commit about his mother once and Vlado wouldn’t speak to her for a week. After this, she would not interfere with their family affairs. In 2003, after the death of both of his parents, he was let go of his job and his wife moved to the capital for a job opening. Because Vlado’s sons no longer lived at home, he was alone most of the time with the exception of occasionally visiting his wife on the weekends. This continued for a while until Vlado managed to get some freelance work with several newspaper companies which put him in the position to cover the grisly crimes he would be accused of