Writing Class Reflection

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Being able to notice a change in yourself allows for you to grow. Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are in a certain area will benefit you in the long run when faced with similar trials and/or obstacles in that area. With proper guidance, knowledge, and determination, I was able to draft and finalize my writing assignments for this class. With an optimistic mindset and the courage to never give up, any other writing class I take from here on out will be great.

Keywords: writing class, knowledge

Reflecting My Experiences Over These Last Eight Weeks

In high school, my favorite subject was Math. If I could have taken math as my only class every year, I would have. Writing on the other hand, I tried to stand clear of. I wasn’t the best at formatting nor writing essays, and it clearly showed through the grade I received. Yet, this writing class was completely different. I began Writing 101 with the utmost dislike for writing classes and with a few writing and grammar skills, however, …show more content…

I was afraid that I would either over use or under use the amount of citations in my paper, my thesis would not make any sense, and my abstracts would just repeat my introduction paragraph. Again, this was my first time using APA format, and I had never known what an abstract was. Even up until now, I still feel that I struggle to write a proper abstract for my essays. I have found very few examples on how to write an abstract and it was the hardest for me to accomplish when writing my narrative essay. I felt this was the hardest because I wasn’t sure what to discuss in the abstract that I hadn’t already discussed in the paper itself. I later learned that the best way to write an abstract is to think of it as a summary of the entire paper, and it’s best if you write it last. I do believe, however, that the more I continue to write essays, the more comfortable I will be at drafting a proper