Graumatoid Exercise

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The next rehabilitation phase is graduated exercise and is utilized in order to ensure activity progress and exercise intensity will progress with healing the injured body part and not causing any further injury. In this step the range of motion, intensity of exercise are increased gradually in order to ensure the safe rehabilitation of the individual in a pain free manner. In this stage there are 3 steps, stretching, conditioning and total body fitness.

There are various different forms of stretching, these including: proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), static, ballistic and dynamic. Ballistic stretching is usually avoided in the rehabilitation process as it applies to much pressure to the injured …show more content…

This is more beneficial for the early stages of rehabilitation as the knee is weaker. As the knee gains strength and flexibility back static stretches will no longer be needed as they will do little for the strengthening of the knee. Often graduated exercises begin with static stretches then move onto the more beneficial and quick gaining stretches such as PNF and dynamic.
The most common and also the most beneficial form of stretching is PNF. This is the most beneficial as it provides the greatest range of motion which means loosening of the stiff muscles around the knee resulting in a quicker recovery. This stretch is performed as the knee strength and flexibility increases in order to reduce the risk of further injury or possible re-injury.
Towards the end of the rehabilitation process dynamic stretching is utlises as it requires a much higher degree of control from an individual. An individual who is given dynamic stretching exercise is able to progress easily onto conditioning as their knee has gained enough strength and flexibility back to apply more pressure and perform more advanced exercise on it without the risk of further injury or

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