Research Paper On Bob Anderson Exercise

506 Words3 Pages

Bob Anderson Stretching Exercise

The role of exercise is very important for a long and healthy life. The regular exercising improves the digestion and blood circulation of the body and improves one’s performance in day to day tasks. There are different forms of exercise performed by many individuals to improve the physical as well as the mental stamina. Stretching is one of the effective forms of exercise that is done to improve the flexibility of the body. It is very important pre and post exercise activity that protects the muscles from any type of cramp and damage to the muscle cells.

The role of Bob Anderson is very crucial in the making stretching a great form of exercise. He introduced many new methods of stretching exercise and improved …show more content…

He, himself was suffering from the tight muscles and got rid of them by performing the stretching exercise. He shared his own experience in a self-explanatory way to make this exercise simpler and effective. This popular book served as a tremendous source to make this exercise effective.

The bob Anderson stretching exercise is adopted by different sports. It was more popular among the football players. In addition to that various sports including baseball basketball and cricket uses bob Anderson stretching exercise as a standard method of improving the flexibility of the body. Even the beginner in these sports uses the bob Anderson exercises to get the initial endurance and familiarity with the sports. Mostly the football players perform bob Anderson stretching exercise to get the rhythm and speed in the footsteps.

Bob Anderson recommends different daily routine exercise which will give an assured improvement and great assistance in achieving the physical fitness goal. His most of the recommendations are based on his self experience, so there is less chance that these exercises will fail to provide the desired

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