Army Master Fitness Test (APFT)

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Total Fitness Program
Over time, the Army has established several fitness programs. Soldiers first encounter such programs during Basic Training. Developing these programs aid Soldiers in meeting the required standard; however, often only provide the Soldier with the minimal fitness level necessary to meet the standard. Other programs utilized derive from published Army manuals and taught within the Army Master Fitness Course. These manuals contain the most recent applications development in order to aid individuals in achieving the physical fitness necessary to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The three different Army fitness plans include beginner, intermediate and advance. The exercises included help improve flexibility, …show more content…

FM 21-20 went through multiple changes from 1941 to 2010. The changes came from trained Soldiers working together at the Master Fitness School to prepare Soldiers physically for combat, as that was the primary goal at the time. As the Army continues to change its demand for physically fit Soldiers with specific requirements, FM 21-20 provided guidance on what, how, where, why and when to do the exercises. Today there is FM 7-21 which reflects some of the essential components. Was there a need for new manual and new exercises? Is it because of the changes from generation to generation? Is it because some exercises do not have the expected outcome? Is it to prevent injuries? Many empirical studies, which assist with the design of fitness and wellness programs currently, exist. The survey of fitness continues to answer questions and improve how we prepare our soldiers for the physical rigors of combat. The intent of FM 7-22 was to build a Soldier-athlete, and most came from studying the way professional athletes prepare to perform. It noticed they conducted warm-up drills before playing a specific sport to include different combinations of movements and stretches. Most of these exercises are in FM 21-20 with a slight difference such as the names of execution. For example, the overhead arm pull, the thigh stretch from standing or laying, the bend and reach, along with …show more content…

The OPAT offers measurements of upper and lower body control, lower-body strength, and aerobic durability. The OPAT test events are the standing long jump, seated power throw, strength deadlift and the interval aerobic run. A Soldier performs these events in any order. However, the interval aerobic run must be the last event performed. Individuals may take up to five minutes to recover as authorized between events but may elect to proceed when ready. The APFT intends to provide an assessment of the PRT program. Regardless of Army Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) or duty assignment, physical fitness testing ensures the maintenance of a base level of physical fitness essential during physical fitness training for every Soldier. “The APFT provides a measure of upper and lower body muscular endurance. It is a performance test that indicates a Soldier’s ability to perform physically and handle his or her body weight” (Department of the Army, 2012). The design of the APFT standard takes into account the age and the physiological differences between the genders. The APFT contains three events push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2-mile run executed in that order. There are 10 to 20 minutes to rest between events. We can see the difference in the