
Great American Circus Research Paper

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What is the most exciting thing to happen to a small town in Minnesota? Why, “Barlow's Great American Circus in its triumphal progress from state to state…” is coming to the town of Smyrna. The rustic area of western Minnesota is filling with excitement for this prodigious family event. The news traveled fast that the circus was coming to town throughout the minuscule population of fewer than 800 people. In the vast, grassy fields the enthusiasm built as the tents were being raised, the animals were arriving, and the trapezes being hung high above. In the midst of this two middle school boys were partaking in their weekly gymnastic classes, to help them pursue their dreams of becoming a world-famous circus act. Dan Clark and Christopher Watson …show more content…

At home, Dan walked over to his calendar to cross of the day, not quite awake yet; he soon realized that today was Saturday, June 15, the day the circus would open to the public. With much excitement, Dan raced over to the phone to remind Christopher that today was the day they were going to see the Mikkelsons live for the first time. At 2:45, Christopher raced to Dan’s father’s pick-up truck, following the two honks of the horn minutes …show more content…

Clark struggling to keep up as he is slightly behind after he paused to watch a large black car drive away. Within minutes of reaching their seats, the ringmaster, Charlie Barlow was out in the arena with a microphone. Although his expression came across strangely to the boys, it seemed to convey bewilderment rather than excitement. After his announcement his odd expression became clear, to be a face of distress. “Ladies and gentlemen, to my dismay, an unfortunate situation has arisen leaving us without trapeze artists this afternoon.” said the ringmaster. Then the unexpected occurred, “Are there any trapeze artist in the audience today?” Mr. Barlow said in a depressing yet humorous

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