Great White Shark Lab Report

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Introduction Fish, mammals and insects all have different ways to adapting to their surroundings. An adaptation is a process of change for that organism or species becomes more suited for its environment. When an organism adapts to survive in its ecological nice it usually changes a structural, behavioural or physiological feature. We will be exploring how all animals have different circulatory systems. This report will include the polar bear, grasshopper and great white shark as they each live in different environments meaning they need to adapt in different ways as well as playing a major role in our ecosystem. Mammal: POLAR BEAR Adaptations: Behavioral Physiological Structural The two adaptations I will be discussing: Hibernating in winter for pregnant polar bears Holding their breath for …show more content…

The venous blood is deoxygenated that is pumped into the heart and then into afferent branchial arteries, to the capillaries and through to the gills where the blood is oxygenated. Great white sharks have low blood pressure therefore they need to keep on swimming to keep the blood flowing throughout their bodies. The sharks blood flow is very similar to a humans in the case of blood pumping from the heart around the body because the arteries and returns to the heart by the veins. The sharks circulatory system allows them to stay aquatic due to their gills. Gills filter out the oxygen from the sea water for the sharks to breath. The great white sharks gills are exceptionally big compared to other living sharks. Each of the gill filaments are feather like and contain arteries named capillaries. The capillaries carry blood in a opposite directions to that of how the water flows through the gills. This is called counter-current as it helps the sharks dissolve water into oxygen. This is allowing them to swim quickly for hunting and to take in a large amount of oxygen for their