Greco-Roman Vs Christendom Research Paper

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Greco-Roman vs Christendom In the fifteenth century, much of Europe was in a religious war. In many places, religion was switch based on the king and pope’s choice in religion. In 1447 the pope was in charge of the church and Pius II was fascinated with the Greek and Romans. Christendom or Christianity was split into two branches the Protestants and the Catholic’s. Greco-Roman had gods and goddesses that each had a certain quality they ruled over such as Venus or Aphrodite the goddess of love. In Christendom religion, they had one God who possessed most of the qualities of the Greek and Roman gods. Both religions believed in a higher power that caused the events in one’s life. The popes were in charge in the 1450’s and turned their actions …show more content…

Christianity inspired many Pietro Perugino and Lorenzo Ghiberti. Many artists got their inspiration from biblical scenes. In 1517 the Reformation was launched and broke the religious peace of the West. Christendom split into two groups, the Protestants and the Catholic both believed in one God but interpreted his message differently. The Protestants believed in a change that need to happen with the church and the Catholics thought the church should stay the way it was. The two groups were at war with each other until 1650. An outspoken northern humanist Desiderius, studied Greek but stayed with his Christian beliefs. The text says, “His willingness to join the growing debate over the church’s role in human affairs caused him to be identified with the early protestant leaders” (355). Martin Luther another Protestant believed “salvation is achieved be faith in Jesus’s sacrificial death” according to the text (368). Luther’s ideas became known as Lutheranism which one didn’t need a priest they could be their own priest. Luther’s version of the bible was the longest standing of its German competitors. John Calvin was a second-generation Protestant, he’s beliefs became known as Calvinism. According to the text “Calvinism rested on his concept of an awesome, even angry, God” (370). A Roman Catholic movement was happened secretly

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