Greek Language Essay

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Have you ever wondered where a word came from? How a word was thought of? Well many of these words come from the greek language. This language, also known at the common language, was developed between 300 B.C. and 300 A.D. Greek is considered to be the oldest European language being 2500 years old (“Clark”). The greek language was used to make many english words which we use today. That is why it can be very helpful to know about the greek language and some of its vocabulary. One of theses helpful root words to know is micro. The first form of the Greek language is known as “Linear B”. This form of the Greek language was used around the 13th century B.C. Famous Greek writers Homer and Plato used a form of Greek language called “Classical …show more content…

A microorganism is a small individual life form. The first microorganism was discovered in 1673 by Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. He observed the first single celled organism with his microscope. Previously, the existence of microscopic single celled organisms were unknown. In 1854, Louis Pasteur discovered microorganisms that change sugar to lactic acid, causing his wine to spoil. He then developed the process now known as pasteurization. In this process, the temperature of food is raised, killing harmful microorganisms. Today, pasteurization is most commonly used in dairy products …show more content…

Microphone means to amplify small sounds. Microscopes are commonly used at large events or gatherings so that sound is distributed to everyone evenly. In 1827, Sir Charles Wheatstone first used the phrase microphone. However, the first functional microphone was not invented until 1876 by Emile Berliner. His patent on his microphone was later bought by the Bell Telephone Company for $50,000 (“Bellis“). Microphones have recently appeared in the news. Donald Trump, the next president of the United States, complained one night after a debate that his microphone had malfunctioned. He also complained the morning after in saying, “ I had a problem with a microphone that did not work. I do not know if you saw that in the room. my microphone was terrible. I wonder was it set up that way on purpose. My microphone in the room, they could not hear me, you know, it was going on and off. Which is not exactly great. I wonder if it was set up that way, but it was terrible. When I tested, it was beautiful, like an hour before, I said what a great mic”

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