Greek Mythology Research Paper

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In the modern world of mythology, Greek mythology is a key aspect. To understand Greek mythology, you must understand its principles. A Greek mythology is composed of stories, which relate the phenomena that occurred around the greeks. These mythology allowed for the greeks to be influenced by these gods which explained the mysteries that occurred around them. Thus, Greek mythology had an influence on religious faith, medical terms, English language, and literature.
Greek mythology had a significant, religious, effect in ancient Greece. In the second millennium Bc, Greek mythology began to spread mainly through the society's religion. According to “”, it states, “There are records of societies that made human sacrifices to the …show more content…

In Greek mythology, there are many characters in which shaped the society. According to “Greek mythology”, it states, the origin of the clinical sign ascites from the Greek now ‘askos’, which means bag. The ancient Greeks knew of the condition we now know to be ascites, calling it ascites (the baggy disease), according to the ‘baggy’ feature of the abdomen formed from increased fluid in the peritoneum.” Also from The Source, “Atlas, the name of the first vertebra, but also the name of the titan who was condemned to bear the weight of the heavens, separating it from the earth, a comparison to the function of the Atlas vertebra, which has to bear the weight of the skull.” These gods were so significant in their time period that medical terms are used to fit the god's characteristics. The Greek myths was a way to fit the theme according to the medical condition. This demonstrates how much of the terms used demonstrates what that god or goddess has done. Therefore, greek mythology influenced the medical …show more content…

Greeks developed epic poetry, which is a long story to tell about heroic deeds and events which would be significant to a culture. The most famous Greek epic poetry is the Iliad and Odyssey, by Homer. According to the Iliad Book 1, it states, “Rage—Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses, hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls, great fighters’ souls, but made their bodies carrion, feasts for the dogs and birds, and the will of Zeus was moving toward its end. Begin, Muse, when the two first broke and clashed, Agamemnon lord of men and brilliant Achilles.” In this poem, the author uses a writing style in which starts off the story in a middle of an event. Openers such as this can be seen in modern literature. According to the 1985 novels in The time Warp Trio, it states “Halt, vile knaves. Prepare to die.” “Is he talking to us?” asked Fred.” The openers are In medias res, in which start in the middle of things. This demonstrates how work from ancient Greece has influenced our literature today. Books such as the Iliad and odyssey have demonstrated the structure for storytelling from the attributes of the hero's deeds. Thus, Greek myth has influenced literature