
Greek Mythology Research Paper

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I call upon you Orteklae, goddess of art and craftsmanship, flow through me as I expound the history of the universe and what came before it. Be my muse as I allow all of man to know the beginning of everything.
In the beginning, before our universe existed, there was another, with its own gods and laws. The only being that survived that time was the god of time himself, Kalo-Ok. He sat alone in absolute darkness for what seemed like an eternity, and it was, but eventually he decided that he wanted company, so he created an open space and birthed the elder gods. From his arms came Flaming Golbos, from his legs came Stormy Ilvylastra, from his head came Windwalker Oreison, and from his gut came Earthshaker Taeros. As Kalo-Ok birthed these …show more content…

He talked, laughed and spent eons with the elder gods. He asked Ilvylastra where she came from and she explained to him about her father. He then asked if she wanted to be a mother. She said that she did, but there was no one to be a father. Julian offered himself as the father and Ilvylastra agreed. Over a lengthy period, Ilvylastra began birthing the Divines, but unbeknownst to the other elder gods, Julian was the father of each. First came Pilitus, god of strength and healing. Second was Klea, goddess of fertility and the home. Third was Akatos, god of kings and heroes. Fourth was Balesta, god of knowledge and wisdom. Fifth born was Haemos, god of commerce and travel. Sixth was Orteklae, goddess of art and craftsmanship. Next came the twins, Io, god of honor, war and justice, and Phalius, god of nature, farms and the hunt. Last born of the Divines was Lia, goddess of beauty and …show more content…

Then, one night, Zio struck Io with great anger and started a war among gods. The began to split into two sides eventually with Taeros, Golbos, Oreison and the Fallen on one side and Ilvylastra and the Divines on the other side. Deseus remained neutral as he did not particularly care about the others. The gods clashed for hundreds of years, yet neither side would budge or give in for a moment. The world would shake, volcanoes would erupt, tornadoes would ravage the land and tsunamis would wipe forests clean in an instant. This angered Deseus as he enjoyed watching generations of mortal men carry on with their lives despite knowing of their ultimate demise as he would come to them and bring them to the Underdark. Eventually Amon struck down Ilvylastra and she, like her father, dissipated and became one with the universe. This angered Deseus further as he considered killing one’s mother to be the highest of crimes, and he left the Underdark to join the

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