Gregor's Correlation With Anti-Semitism In The Metamorphosis

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Our interactive oral in class allowed me to dig deeper into time and place of the work. My understanding of existentialism and how it correlates with Anti-semitism within The Metamorphosis developed further. Existentialism explores human existence and the belief that everything is meaningless. Throughout The Metamorphosis existentialism is represented by Gregor and his purpose to live. Gregor's main purpose in the story is to provide for his family and stay attached to them. Towards the end of the story, Gregor's whole purpose appears worthless because his family wants to get rid of him. Additionally, Gregor and his family are Jews living during the harsh times of Anti-semitism. Before our discussion, I didn’t think that existentialism and the anti-semitism period had a correlation between each other, but after our class discussion, I learned that there is a correlation because of the harsh situations Jews had to face. …show more content…

During the anti-semitism period, Jews were discriminated and hated. Such as Gregor, towards the end of the story is hated by his family. Gregor relates to the Jews who were treated as outcasts. Many Jews during this time period thought their life was meaningless because they weren't given a fair chance in life. Anti-semitism took their personalities, disgraced their religions and made life difficult for them. Jews were considered meaningless, they were put into concentration camps, treated like invaders, and excluded from the rest of the world. This brought existentialist thoughts for the Jews, because of the anti-semitism they had to face. Existentialism and anti-semitism correlate with each other due to the negative thoughts and feelings of Jews during this time