Grey Water Shampoo-Chemical Characteristics

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The characteristics vary from the source as well i.e. kitchen wastewater is considered to contain higher amount of organics and physical pollutants as compared to that of laundry or bathroom wastewater (Eriksson et al., 2002). Surendran and A. D. Wheatly (1998) have found that the characteristics of grey water were found to be similar to that of domestic sewage except in terms of the ammonia and bacterial content

The physical characteristics of waste water considered are the temperature, colour, turbidity and total suspended solids. The temperature of grey water is slightly high (usually lies between 18-38 degree Celsius) due to use of warm water for bathing (Eriksson et al., 2002). Turbidity of grey water may vary from 5.6 NTU -33.6 NTU for low strength and can be about 67.4 NTU for high strength waste water. Total solids in grey water in one study was found to be averaged at 29 mgL-1 for low strength and 93 mgL-1 for high strength grey water, where the low strength waste water “contains 10% (v/v) mixture of Tesco Value shampoo in tap water” (Winward et al., 2008). …show more content…

The chemical or the bio-chemical parameters that affect the treatment process or the applications are 5 day BOD, COD, Total Nitrogen content, Free Ammonia, Total Phosphorous, pH, Alkalinity, Total and Fecal Coliforms (Alsulaili and Hamoda 2015, Edwin et

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