Grief Reflection

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When I first knew I was taking a grieving class, I assumed that I would not be able to get very much from the class. I expected that most what I would get from the class would be solely information that I could use to help others grieving from a loss. But, that is the opposite of what really happened. Yes, I did gain some knowledge on how to help others in their grief but, I gained a lot more on how I personally went through grief and how to experience healing from grief myself. Looking over the personal timeline I made at the beginning of this class, I realized that I had experience a lot more grief than I thought and I also realized how I healed from those losses.
Firstly, my personal timeline brought back a lot of memories that I had pushed to the back of my mind and …show more content…

These memories in turn brought a lot of feelings and emotions with them. The emotions for some of these memories felt very raw and I started to try to deal with some of them. A lot of these losses directly related to the next losses and how I reacted on the timeline. As I started to read some of the books in this course, I started to understand how I deal with grief in general. I discussed and talked with members of my same family and how they deal with the same losses I had written on my Personal Timeline. As I talked with them I realized how differently we had handled the same losses, and I realized how important it was that we did grieve in our own way. I had already read C. S. Lewis’s book in a different class in college before, but reading it in this class brought a new light to it for me. I was focused on my grief of almost losing a father. Losses are different for everyone no matter what and difference in age at the time of the loss really matters. Children understand more than they let on in general and that is why adults should never