Grilled Cheese Process Paper

657 Words3 Pages

Chandler S
Mr Bliesmer
English 3
November, 16th 2017

Process Paper (Grilled Cheese)

Today I will be teaching you on the art of not only making a grilled cheese. But how to properly prepare and grill the grilled cheese. This will help you perfect the strategy of buttering the bread, Slicing the cheese, and assembling it all together into the perfect sandwich ever. However this will not be easy so you must pay close attention. First you must make sure you have all the ingredients as if you don't. You will surely fail and I will disown you as my disciple. You will need three ingredients. With some other supplies if you wish. The first ingredient being the most important is the cheese, preferably velveeta. The second being the white bread …show more content…

You must grab a cheese slicer and the cheese. You must align the thin piece of metal on the cheese slicer along the velveeta cheese. Now personally I don’t like thick slices of cheese so I go about half the depth you can go. I found that this allows the cheese to melt better when grilling but we’ll focus on that later. This is interchangeable on if it’s the most important step and that is buttering the bread. If you don’t butter it correct you could tear the bread or even toast the bread unevenly. The secret that has been in my family for generations and that’s if you warm the butter up it will be easier to spread evenly throughout the bread. Once you have buttered only ONE side of each slice of you bread you can continue onto the next step. Grab a pan, an even flat pan will allow for the best results. Set on top of one of the burners but do not, I repeat do not turn on the gas yet. Once you have correctly set your pan you will put the piece of bread on the pan with THE BUTTERED SIDE DOWN. After you have done that you must then take you evenly sliced cheese that are not too thick and are not too thin and place those on the bread. You can now also put in your chicken, beef, peppers or anything else that you have prepared to put in your grilled cheese. After that you place the other buttered piece of bread on top with THE BUTTERED SIDE

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