A Synopsis Of The Film 'Groundhog Day'

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GROUNDHOG DAY In 1993, Bill Murray has played in what has proven one of the best movies of his acting career: ‘Groundhog Day’. How many of you have seen this film? Phil the groundhog is the mascot of this film. Legend has it that if Phil sees his shadow when coming out of its hole at the beginning of ebruary, winter will last another six other long weeks. But regardless of Phil the groundhog, for Phil Connors the journalist, pretentious, arrogant and ‘blasé’, the coverage of this annoying event, year after year, is a true torment. All that matters to him is to finish his reporting of the Grounhog Day’s ceremony and go home... when a severe winter blizzard nails it on the spot and forces him to spend the night grounded in Pittsburg. The next morning wakes to his dismay to the same Groundhog Day of the day before. It finishes in the same storm. It appears that the same events are replaying repeatedly day after day in an endless loop. Phil is caught in a temporal black hole of hopelessness. The film eventually became a cultural classic, perhaps a bit because of the particular moral that can be drawn …show more content…

As a matter of facts, during our life, everything changes. The people who surround us change over time. Scenes and context vary a lot depending on the stages of life. There are always new problems to solve, new solutions to find. There are always changes to make and different things to do to adapt to different life circomstances. But there is one thing that never changes: it is our own selves. We remain the only main actor of our lives. We do different things that do not really change us. We do nothing: it’s really no better. Life rushes past our window without changing us, until we decide to let go of our worldliness of our habits. Nothing changes until we let go of our fixed personality, become really ourself and fall in love with our innate qualities of