What Makes Matt's Dynamic Change In All The Broken Pieces By Ann

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Why do us humans go through dynamic change? In the novel All the Broken Pieces by ann e. burg. Matt, the protagonist, goes through change throughout the story. Matt is a kid that grew up in Vietnam during the Vietnam war. Due to the war, Matt’s past with Vietnam is indescribable and hard to explain to the people around him. While thinking the reason he was sent away was because of a tragedy he thought was his fault in his past. When Vietnam is brought up to matt he quickly scurries away. for example when Jeff mentions talking about Matt's past with Vietnam. “Matt, he finally says, I’d like to talk to you about Vietnam” (Burg 87). When Vietnam is mentioned to Matt he quickly scurries away due to his past with Vietnam as it split his family …show more content…

Matt thinks his mom left him because she didn’t want him after what happened to his brother. For instance “she pushed me forward, through screaming madness and choking dust” (Burg 3). Before Matt shares about what happened to his brother and mother, his immediate thought in the beginning of the book was that his mother gave him up because she hated him for what happened to her brother. going through anything to get rid of him even though “choking dust and screaming madness” because Matt was too young to understand the situation of why his mother was giving him up his immediate thought was his mother hated him and shipping him off was his punishment. When Matt finds out his mother shipped him off because she loved him, we see more dynamic character change. to illustrate; When Matt is told his mother gave him up because she loved him he says “I thought she wanted me to leave because of who i was and what i’d done” (Burg 156). After telling his story on how his mother sent away to the Vietnam veterans, he realizes his mother sent him away because she loved him. and wanted to save him from the war and not because he led his brother to his tragedy. Dynamic Character change in All the Broken Pieces by ann e. burg is shown throughout the story by using text evidence to support my