Group Size And Conformity

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The journal being studies is “ Group Size and Conformity”, by Rod Bond. The objective of this study is to research on the relationship between group size and conformity. Asch’s (1951,1955) conclude that group size did not have much impact beyond a negligible number provoked an exuberant debate, one that proceeds to be presented in nearly each textbook on social psychology. Most recent theories, however, such as Latané’s (1981) Social Impact Theory (SIT), generally oppose with Asch and hold that the larger the group size, the larger the impact. Most theories draw on dual process theory, according to which conformity is clarified by two different processes which are normative influence (reflects the group’s control to compensate and punish) and …show more content…

Peer group influences youthful socialization and identity by permitting to develop individual interests and uncertainties while retaining a sense of belonging and coherence within a group of friends (Erikson, 1968; Hartup, 1983; Steinberg & Silverberg, 1987). Peer pressure is frequently operationalized essentially as the degree to which behaviour among friend is correlated (Ide, Parkerson, Haertel, & Walberg, 1981; Robin and Johnson, 1991) rather than the extent to which individuals feel pressured to think in certain ways (Brown, Clasen & Eicher, 1986). Brown and Clasen had developed and validated a measurement for peer pressure. (Brown, Clasen, & Eicher, 1986; Clasen & Brown, 1985). Peer pressure was defined as “when people your own age encourage you to do something or to keep from doing something else, no matter if you personally want to or not” (Brown, 1986). The highlight of this definition is that people with same age are actively empowering and encouraging them to do something. However, Brown and his colleagues (Brown et al., 1986) differentiated peer pressure from peer conformity. For Brown and his colleagues, peer pressure represents an demeanor or perception, whereas peer conformity represents a behavioral disposition. Peer conformity evaluates whether or not individuals receive a course of action authorized by their peer