Group Analysis: The Importance Of Communication In Groups

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My group came together fairly easily as we all knew each other and got along. Firstly, we looked at our Belbin tests that we had completed and looked at the results to see what tasks would be suitable for everyone. My results labelled me an implementer. Generally, I am an introverted person and so that label that was described as the person who “turns ideas into actions” (Belbin, 1969: 1) was unexpected. In addition, I find it difficult to explain my ideas to people sometimes, so I used drawings to communicate my ideas. In a group work scenario, communication is extremely important to be able to all understand everyone’s contributions. (Lumsden, Lumsden & Wiethoff, 2009)

The first task was picking what company we would have wanted to research. Our first choice was Amazon, as it was a company very familiar to us and we had our own background knowledge that we would be able to incorporate. This was the first issue that we encountered. Unfortunately, we did not receive our first choice and ended up with the company Canon. Our first reaction was one of apprehension as we had a few weeks to plan, create and execute this presentation. We all …show more content…

After the presentation we discussed what went well and what didn’t and there was a shared consensus that most of it went well but at some parts we could have elaborated on. Personally, while presenting I made a conscious effort to show open body language and talk clearly. This is because research has found that 55% of human communication is non-verbal, (Tandon, 2015:2) therefore, body language plays a large role in an effective presentation. I do not have much experience presenting to large groups so I was fairly uncomfortable and it did not come very naturally to me. Nevertheless, it is a useful skill to have for the future and as one of my first attempts I think it went as well as could be

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