Growth Mindset Persuasive Essay

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As Carol Dweck stated, “becoming is better than being.” Therefore, the quote explains that it’s better to develop and improve than to just stick to what you know. A person who strongly believes in effort and has the desire to learn is considered to have a growth mindset, which will benefit them in both school and life. A fixed mindset individual is generally the opposite. There are many traits a person may have that would label him or her as someone with a growth mindset. A growth mindset individual believes that their intelligence (knowledge) can improve or be developed through time and effort. For that person, in order to master something they must first practice and learn to persevere in order to reach that goal. People with a growth mindset …show more content…

Usually, people with a fixed mindset often stick to what they know, so they don’t bother to develop their intelligence as much a growth mindset person would. These people want others to recognize their appearance as smart people who seem to always know what they’re doing. When it comes to facing a challenge, fixed mindset people tend to avoid them, seeing the negative side of taking a risk that they’ll probably “fail.” Even during a tough obstacle, they would easily give up in the end, thinking that it’s just no use. These people distinguish effort as something pointless, not worth their time although a growth mindset person would think otherwise. Fixed mindset people would often ignore helpful feedback (criticism) from others, because they would feel personally offended, feeling as though they did something wrong, a mistake, so their appearance of a smart individual plummets down. It’s understandable since these type of people are known to get anxious and depressed (stressed out) easily. Another point that differentiates the two mindsets is that a fixed mindset person would feel “weak” or inferior to those who succeed or achieve higher than them. It makes that person look bad, yet the main idea here in their mind is to look highly knowledgeable and sharp-witted to those they want to impress. After all, fixed mindset people still try to aim for the

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