Danielle nees
I agree this quote really summarizes the basic aspects of being a teacher. It also explains some of the best ways children learn and shows emerging educators how they should go about setting up their classroom. I really enjoyed how you included how you were going to use this to shape your classroom and how you are going to use this to shape your lesson plans around the needs of your children.
Tonye Kolokolo
I really love the quote you chose, it represents the individuality of the child and how they all learn in their own way. I agree with you that the multiple intelligence theories are a great way to assist in telling what the child is interested so that you can use that to plan activities around. Children do learn best through
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It is very important to know the goals for each child and to know that child’s specific way of learning. One of the best ways to go about this is through differentiated instruction and through Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory. Differentiated instruction helps the teacher be able to make individualized plans that include that child’s learning style. Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory will help show the best way the child learns and works with others, while at the same time showing things they are interested in. Both of these methods also make it much easier to adapt to children with special needs. If you understand how that child learns and how they understand the world is it much easier to teach them new skills. After evaluated each child and understanding their differences, it is also much more natural to plan the curriculum and the centers around the room. Children learn best through play it is best to create a simulating environment filled with center activities that reinforce the week’s lesson plan. Organized centers will give the child a sense of stability and comfort in the classroom. This quote from Copple and Bredekamp, found on page nine, states the daily ambitions for an excellent teacher. An excellent teacher is someone who understands their children and wants them to achieve their goals. They also understand that each child is individual and has their own