Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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The Second Amendment states, we have the right to bear arms which means we have the right to own a gun. The problem of this issue is that individuals misuse the shooting device or unable to properly handle it. The misuse of guns have caused many devastations and demolition to the world over many years such as killing innocent lives. For instance, a mass shooting took place on December 14th, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. A psychotic 21-year old man eliminated multiple of young children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. This occurrence was a bloody massacre because the amount of people being slaughtered. Gun control is essential to our society because we have to minimize use or possession of a firearm. Since people are unable handle firearms, …show more content…

As a result, he announced background checks when purchasing guns to decrease the violence. This method will determine if an individual has any criminal records so that we keep the citizens safe from harm. If any criminal records are exposed, they’re unable to acquire a gun. Also, having background checks could decrease the deaths of homicide and suicides. In my opinion, I believe that gun control is essential to our society because it serves many benefits such as, self-defense and hunting. Owning a gun will protect ourselves and loved ones from burglars and criminals. You never know when someone will break invade your house and snatch valuable items. In addition, hunters require guns to hunt animals for nourishment and clothing in order to survive. It will make their life easier for hunters rather than pursuing animals with close range attacks. As of now, the approximation of people who controls a gun is about 270 million in the United States. But, the United States is currently has the highest number of people who have private firearm possession. Firearms shouldn’t be prohibited in the United States because it demonstrates key points. For instance, human-beings need to understand how to utilize guns for other purposes, instead of violence. Keeping the firearms under control could create peace and harmony to the world. Not only do guns kill people, other alternatives of weapons. can cause death to