
Gun Control Case Study

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On June 17th, 2015, the New York Times reported a shooting crime. A white gunman opened fire in a black church in downtown Charleston, S.C, which caused nine people dead. The shooting happened in the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, which is the oldest black church in the nation. The suspect was a 21-year-old man; his father gave him a gun as a birthday present. He said that the gun was made for shooting blacks. After several months, in Virginia, a 24-year-old female television reporter and a 27-year-old male cameraman were shot during a live interview. The murderer was a 41 years old African American named Vester Lee Flanagan, which was a former colleague of the deceased. He shot himself in an attempt to escape being arrested …show more content…

With so many shootings having occurred, presumably people are complaining all the time. In fact, often after a shooting incident, the media and some people provide accusations on the issue of gun control, because of the weak government regulations; unfortunately such ideas have never become a mainstream thought in society. The U.S. government has made progress on gun control management in recent years. First, automatic rifles were not allowed to enter the public market, and then it changed to a "clip only within ten rounds of" in few years later. The last move was in 2007, which subjected gun owners to a "very rigorous background investigation". There is support and opposition to gun control. President Barack Obama would like to introduce laws that are newer and stricter for the owners of guns and those wishing to own guns. The faction of republicans that split from the others suggested that the frequent shootings spread their roots in laxer law enforcement environments, so the key is to be step up law enforcement. The government proposed to establish better limitations on guns, instead of banning them …show more content…

Social structure refers to disposable, and oppressive social and political economy of ethnic minorities, it is invisible and intangible. From the beginning, it is more penetrating with respect to personal discrimination against minorities. The blacks are often times considered inferior, thereafter. Laws, customs, traditions continue to add to the drama. For example, when a person uses "black ”or "nigger” to describe someone, it does not intend to be insulting, but inadvertently reveals the prejudices against the all blacks. Although this is only an example of the use of language, people still realize that there are many inequalities existing in language, customs, habits, laws, and religion. The fact that the U.S. government did not take concrete actions to improve the living environments of blacks and other ethnic minorities, narrowing the parties between them and white surface gap. We recognize that such discrimination has deep historical roots, but the existing social system strengthens and promotes discrimination

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