Gun Control In America Essay

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Gun control in America is an ongoing problem. As Americans it is our right to carry legally owned guns. What can be done to make it harder to be able to purchase a weapon? In the United States there are about 54,026 federally licensed firearm dealers, according to the 2014 annual report by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The stores run background checks to see if you are able to purchase a gun. The list of some of the people who are unable to purchase are felons, fugitives, drug dealers, the mentally ill, illegal immigrants, and some legal immigrants. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont. Stated that "If you want to give a gun to your son or daughter or you want to sell it to your neighbors or friends, there is no background check required.” …show more content…

Why do people need assault rifles? It is not like we are in a war torn country. My life has never been threatened to the point where I need to go out and buy and assault rifle. Mass killings in the United States is a reason why citizens do not need assault rifles. If the killing of 20 school children in Newton, Connecticut, in 2012 does not make people stop and think then there is something wrong with American Society. We are quick to go to war and help out other countries, but we will not stop and change what is going on in our own backyard. In my opinion Americans should be able to carry guns, but not semiautomatic assault weapons. America is not a war zone or some kind of video game. Innocent people are losing their lives because a person was able to purchase an assault weapon. We have been debating about gun control for years and I do not see any changes to the law in the near future. America should look to other countries like Australia for an example. There was a mass shooting in 1996 where a man killed 35 people and wounded 23. The weapon of choice was a semiautomatic rifle. It was Australia’s worst mass shooting. A few weeks later the country changed their gun control laws, which regulated firearms. Since Columbine in 1999 there have been 35 mass shooting. What will it take for America to smarten up and make some