Informative Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control has always been in America for the last 200 years or so in one form or another. However, the last few years have shown an uprising of anti-gun supporters. Most people have heard about gun control on every news outlet in America. There is no doubt that there should be gun control; however, striping the law abiding citizen of their ability to protect themselves against an unlawful society will never be the answer. Most Americans that own guns have went through all the necessary channels to possess a firearm. The ones who are committing gun related crimes have typically purchased a firearm from someone who did not do a background check and didn't care who they were selling to. What actually is gun control and what does it mean? Efforts to regulate or control sales of guns is the denotative definition of gun control. In this essay I will talk about how that definition had shifted into something that we know and tolerate today. Gun control dates back to the 1930s. Government on the Federal level instated the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. This was due largely in part to the amount of gang violence that was taking place at the time. This act placed several items that would try to slow the rate of dangerous weapons that the gangs would have access to. …show more content…

The Gun Control Act of 1968 was put into place to keep firearms away from those that were not legally aloud to possess them. This was decided by age, criminal background, and intelligence. The act regulated guns that were imported. It also expanded the firearm dealer licensing and record keeping requirements, making them much stricter by default. It also placed limitations on the sale of handguns. The list of Americans that were barred from buying firearms was increased to include people convicted of any non-business related felony, people found to be mentally "unstable", and users of illegal