Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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What do you think this world is coming to? Do you really think that gun control, stricter gun laws or even eliminating them all is a good idea? This is a dog eat dog world. People seem to give no value to life. Having something to protect yourself is not only a right but a necessity. There should not be stricter gun control laws because it is only going to be harder on the honest man, criminals will still have them, and it is going against the constitution. If you do more back ground checks, the honest man will always pass, that is the main reason deeper back ground checks is stupid. A criminal is not going to do it the legal way and go buy one from a place legally able to distribute firearms. So, it is got nothing to do with criminals because …show more content…

Obama stopped that act claiming ’’ guns with high capacity magazines are a threat to public safety’’ Gun right advocates say there no more dangerous than any other firearm and that the fact that you would still have to pass the national instant check system to own one makes it no different from any other semi automatic rifle being sold in america. That is really finding the loop hole to try to get as many guns out of the country as possible. That is one of the stupidest gun control acts I've ever seen. In my personal opion thats just a slow process the trying to make this a communist country, By slowly trying to start with taking the guns that don't “seem” to be a big deal , soon enough we wont be able to protect our self from our own government. Its important to know what could happen if we don't stay on top of it and keep up with an understanding on what is happening, we all need to keep our second amendment and keep america the same as its been for many years. There are many good arguments on why gun control wouldn't work and why we should still have them. Cars kill more people every year than guns. and I've never seen to