Gun Control Persuasive Essay

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Gun Control
It was a beautiful sunday morning in texas & every one has gone to church. As the pastor preaches his sermon, a guy in the audience shouts allahu akbar. Then proceeds to pull out an ak47… America, in order to discourage acts of violence, you need guns. Either for self-defense. Or just to exercise our legal rights to bear arms. There would be more crime in America if there was strict gun control. Guns discourage acts of violence. If someone might have a gun, someone will be discouraged to inflict harm upon that person. If it is illegal to own a gun, a criminal will not follow the law and he will have a gun. But regular citizens won’t, meaning that the criminal will be more drawn to steal or harm someone. Making guns illegal will only increase the crime rates in America, not decrease them. …show more content…

If we can’t have guns, what else will we lose our rights to? We need to stand for our rights. If we don’t, we'll end up losing more that we care about. If we lose our right to bear arms, we lose our right to self-defense.
Self-defense is an important part of our lives. If we don’t have self-defense, we’re not safe. That is why we have the right to bear arms in the first place. There are other things other than guns that you can use for self-defense. But none of them are as effective as guns. The people with the bigger guns don’t get scared away. If you have a slingshot and someone else has a gun, who do you think would win?
Some people might think think that strict gun control would be a good thing because if people don’t have guns, the world would be safer. However, take Brasil for example. Brasil has VERY strict gun laws. Causing Brasil to have very high crime rates because if you don’t have a self-defense weapon, criminals will be more confident in their ability to commit crimes because they are going to have a gun. A law won’t stop a criminal from having a gun. It will only take the guns away from good