
Gun Control Persuasive Speech

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On February 14, 2018, Nickolas Jacob Cruz, went to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland Florida, injuring seventeen people and killing fourteen additional people with a AR-15. The next morning, I heard of the tragic shooting, going on to decide I needed to wear tennis shoes to school just in case I needed to run for my life. When I wake up the morning after a school shooting worried about what shoes I’m going to wear just in case there is a shooting, there is a problem. Or even when I fear going to a big public gathering because that is where someone would go to do the most damage, again, there is a problem. It is not about fearing guns because I have been around guns my whole life, it is about not feeling safe. Further gun control …show more content…

This is legal because technically the ghost gun is not a gun until assembled, no background check needed, and the only way the criminal can be prosecuted is if they are actually caught with the gun. Bomnin (2017) states, “Police say criminals are well aware of the availability of “ghost guns,” and they’ve been used in shootings across the country, from Maryland to California”. Which means if someone wants easy access to a gun to commit a crime they can, further gun control does not need to be implemented, the current gun laws must be improved and enforced. Yet some readers may challenge my view by insisting that the recent massacres were done with legally bought guns from a local distributer and the problem is not loopholes in the law system, but the need for gun control as a whole. I concede that when looking at gun laws and gun violence across America you cannot simply focus on a couple shootings that only help further an agenda for gun control. When looking at such a topic as gun control, all shootings in America must be considered for a clear picture and the opposing argument is not considering all

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