Gun Control Pros And Cons Essay

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The United States of America is the most well armed nation in the world. In fact, 62% of Americans have more than one gun in their home or on their property. The Second Amendment, which states “The Right to Bear Arm”, is the reason why Americans own so many guns. This amendment assures US citizens the right to own and carry weapons. I personally don’t see why a person shouldn’t be able to own or carry a gun but it does have its pros and cons to it.

The United States has already implemented gun control laws that work and most gun owners seem to agree with the these laws. Some of the reasons that liberals gave for the idea of gun control was that America has crime problems, gun problems and suicidal problems.
But the facts are pretty clear. …show more content…

has continued to decrease since the 1990s and per capita the drop in crime is on par to match the decrease and even surpass that of Australia’s which removed all their guns, while America is known to have more than one third of all of the guns in the world. This just proves that guns are not a problem in the U.S.
Furthermore, Japan and South Korea have suicidal rates double that of the U.S and both these countries have bans on private ownership of weapons. Moreover, America ranks around 50th in suicides so this further proves that banning guns won’t prevent suicides.
Saying guns kill people is almost like saying pencils misspell words and spoons cause obesity. And even if they don’t have access to a gun, they can always use something else – like a hammer, knife or a bomb. One can always find a way to get what they want similarly even with strict gun laws in place, a criminal could still steal a gun, buy one illegally or even with the high technologies that’s been developed over the year’s one could even 3D print a gun. And because the 3D printed gun is made of plastic it can easily slip through metal detectors and 3D printing a gun that fires bullets requires almost no skills at all. Therefore, civilians must be allowed to own firearms as a protective measure in order to protect themselves and their loved