Gun Violence And Media Essay

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From the first moment a child is introduced to the media and to their teens until adulthood, they become part of a whole new world. The teen starts to explore the different parts of media from more social to personal areas. But, there happens to be a bad side to the media that most people are familiar with containing music such as “Gangsta Rap” that promotes gun violence, video games containing sexual imagery/ words and traumatizing movies and television shows. Since being introduced to media violence it has been affecting the ways teens and children see the media by causing aggression and behavioral changes. First, Television took the number spot for being the most violent the number one negative impact on teens. 61% of shows and movies contain violent themes, messages, and scenes. Movies such as the Cannibal Holocaust have inappropriate/ disturbing scenes to the viewers which lead to callous attitudes. 45% of all shows create “bad” characters that are rarely punished for their aggressive behaviors. Gun violence is never censored and 25% of the violent behaviors involve dangerous weapons. …show more content…

A band named Nine Inch Heels has a song called a Big man with a gun which is about a female getting robbed at gunpoint. This proved to the audience that songs with topics about sexual assault or murder are causing more people to listen closely to messages and replicate what they are saying. In addition, music consisting of “Gangsta rap” promotes gun “abuse” or strong messages of inappropriate language Often heard lyrics such as “Who says date rape isn’t kind?” “Let’s kill everyone and straighten it out.” As from one of Marilyn Manson’s top songs. Dr. De Dolores Tucker claims, “What would you do if you discovered someone was encouraging your sons to kill people; innocent victims?” Most music that teens listen to contain cursing or inappropriate use of