Guttmacher On Abortion Term Paper

698 Words3 Pages

Abort abortion

Studies show that about 86% of abortions in the United States happen due to convenience. Abortion is legal in the United States but can be restricted by each state, it is illegal in Oklahoma. In the article “Abortion in the United States” by it states half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and about four in 10 of these end in abortion. In the article “Should abortion be legal?” by it states abortions do not only affect the child but the mother that beared the child, induced abortion is the killing of another human even though the baby is not technically born yet, and women should accept the responsbility of caring for a child. The termination of an unborn child should not be legally practiced in the United States.

When a mother terminates her child it does not only affect the baby it also affects her. The mother's emotional state could take a toll if she starts feeling remorse or regret. Several studies have shown that women who terminate their child are more likely to commit suicide than to a women who carried her child full term. Other studies show that women who terminate their child tend to have higher anxiety, this anxiety can occur several years after the operation. In …show more content…

Every person has a fundamental right to life, a fetus is considered a person, therefore a fetus has a fundamental right to life like everybody else. A child's life should be protected, if not by the government then by the mother. If a woman is pregnant and gets in a car crash and her and her baby die, would you say just the woman died or the woman and the fetus? Fetus’ can feel pain in the first trimester, about when the mother is 8 weeks pregnant. When babies have to have fetal surgery while still in the womb they are given anesthesia so they do not feel any pain during the