Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights

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Recently a groundbreaking decision was passed down from the Supreme Court. With a split vote of five to four on June 26th, 2015, gay marriage was legalized nation wide in the Untied States (CNN). This is a huge step forward in civil right movement and to equalizing all people in America. When we think of America we think the land of the free and the land of opportunities, unless you were gay prior to June 26th. If you were gay you were looked down on by the government and not seen as an equal to heterosexual couples. According to Justice Anthony Kennedy the government saw gay rights as people with less dignity, when all they wanted was to be seen as equals in the eye of the government. It is their civil rights and protected by the constitution to let those be with whom they please, without the government infringing on their rights (Vogue & Diamond). The gay right movement started 46 years ago in 1969, in New York City at the Stonewall Inn (Vogue & Diamond). On this night, what the gay community calls the “Rosa Parks Moment” occurred and started a long uphill battle for gay rights. In …show more content…

If we decided to take him out of the equation for sake of argument people would have no means for an argument, since they base their entire decision on that reference. But people that bring him in are usually religious based people that do not want to discourage religion by allowing gays to marry. Unfortunately majority of everyone sins, those people are just judging and picking what sins they feel are worse. In the bible it has something such as people should not judge. But, most people are judging gays for not living life like the bible says to, who says we have the right to pick what sins are more sinful then others, who has the right to choose who people love, or what makes people happy. We cant and shouldn’t it’s a individuals