HR Audit: Characteristics For Human Resource Management

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The other characteristic of HR Audit is a linkage between HR and other functional areas such as Production management, Total quality management, strategic planning and personnel policies. An audit examines the linkages between HR and the other functions. On the basis of evaluation, HR auditors suggest future HR strategies required by the company. Not only it suggests future strategies, but also it suggests the structure that the company needs to have for developing new competencies, systems that need to be strengthened, ideal managerial styles and work culture in the organization.
Another important characteristic of HR audit is, it is a business driven and primarily focuses on fulfilling and meeting the objectives. Also it evaluates the strategy, …show more content…

HR audit offers several important benefits such as:
1. Allowing top management to think of strategic and long term business plans.
2. Changes in the style of top management.
3. Distinguishing and clarifying the role of HR department and line managers in HRD.
4. Improvements in HRD systems.
5. Better recruitment policies and adding more professional staff.
6. Streamlining of other management practices.
7. Enhancing the return on investment (ROI) of HR functions.
8. Creates more professional image if department among managers.
9. It helps to project an elevated image of an organization to its stakeholders.

Scope of HR Audit
The actual scope of HR Audit is decided only when audit is taken up. The spectrum of HR audit includes:
1. Performance and potential appraisal
2. Compensation, reward, incentive and salary administration
3. Recruitment and selection
4. Induction, placement, training and development
5. Employee relations and communication
6. Policies and …show more content…

To achieve their goals one has to cope up with the dynamic pressures such as technology changes, increased competition etc. The performance of an organization can be improved only through improved employee performance. Recruitment, training, compensation, conflict management and motivation all these are common functions of Human resource management. All these functions/activities have to be reviewed and evaluated in order to ensure the efficient HR policies and management system