Haitian Pumpkin Research Papers

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Pumpkin and Vegetable Soup

Pumpkin soups have a unique Caribbean history, a celebration of Haitian Independence. On January 1, 1804, Haitians worked together to create an exclusive soup to observe their independence from the French colonialists. Until that time, the French conquerors believed that the blacks under their rule could never work mutually to create anything. Today, the traditional pumpkin soup known as "Soup Joumou," is made and served to commemorate their fight for freedom. While under French Colonial ruling, Haitians were limited to eating a bland bread soup. They were not permitted to eat such an overly elaborate meal of pumpkin, beef stock and other vegetables. This unique soup was created as a representation of unity in the …show more content…

Press the knife downwards between the shell and the flesh of the pumpkin strip by strip.

7. Continue the downwards cutting motion until all the skin is removed.

8. Prepare Yams. Using a sharp knife, cut the top and bottom of the yam and discard. (Sometimes the yams can be too long and might need to be cut into pieces). Keep the yam upright on board. Start from top, place the center of the knife between the skin and the flesh of the yams and drive the knife in a downward motion removing the skin strip by strip until all the skin is removed. Cut each piece about 3 inches thick. Wash but avoid touching your skin. Keep in water (to avoid turning color add a few drops of lemon juice).

9. Prepare Chayote. Cut the chayote along the longest side. Wait a few minutes, some of the white milky substance will come out and set. Wash the chayote thoroughly in cold running water, washing away all the white substance. Hold half of the chayote in your hand flesh face down. Using a peeler in the other hand, drive the peeler up and down until all the skin is removed. Core the chayote and slice into about 8 pieces. Set aside.

10. In a medium pot on medium heat with butter, sauté garlic, pumpkin, celery, thyme and onion for 2 to 3

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