Haritosis Research Paper

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Halitosis is defined as an unpleasant odor that emanates from the oral cavity with intra–oral and/or extra–oral origins. The present study assessed factors influenced halitosis using different diagnostic modalities.
60 patients who attended ayub dentistry school participate in this study. A total of 20 patients aged 10-56 years old included 12 women& 8 men complained of chronic halitosis. Organoleptic assessment was used to measure intensity of halitosis. The patients were divided into 6 groups according to their age & educational levels. Descriptive analysis was carried out regarding the degree of halitosis in each group. The chi-square test was used for the comparison between groups.
Prevalence of halitosis …show more content…

Recognition of this condition is simple, but diseases which cause halitosis may produce distinctly different smells. The distinct smell which each disease produces may offer some help in differentiating the etiology of halitosis if various factors causing this condition are understood. Halitosis can be divided into the following categories:(1) halitosis due to local factors of the pathological origin, (2) halitosis due to local factors of no pathological origin, (3) halitosis due to systemic factors of pathologic origin, (4) halitosis due to systemic factors of non pathologic origin, (5) halitosis due to systemic administration of drugs, and (6) halitosis due to xerostomia.

There are 3 primary assessment measurements for genuine halitosis:
1. Organoleptic: a sensory test that is scored by a trained judge or clinician based on the perception of the judge or clinician.
2. Gas chromatography: considered the method of choice for researchers, it makes a distinction between VSCs that contribute to halitosis and helps the clinician determine intra– or extra–oral origin.
3. Sulfide monitoring: a portable device for monitoring VSC These monitors are better at measuring total VSCs instead of determining individual …show more content…

The recorded clinical findings focused on common halitosis sites. These include an examination of the oral and pharyngeal soft tissue (Particularly a coated tongue, Waldeyer’s ring, salivary ducts, (the presence of mucosal moisture) as well as dental fillings and restorations. A periodontal screening and assessment of oral hygiene was also evaluated. If signs of periodontal disease or pericoronitis were present, an orthopantomogram (OPG) was taken for further periodontal therapy or extraction. All fillings, dentures, crown & bridges quality & hygiene were evaluated carefully. Plaque index &pocket depth measured by using periodontal probes and disclosing tablets patients oral hygiene were categorized from poor to excellent (poor, fair,

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