This project paper will consist of three steps, based on the Prentice Hall Self-Assessment Online Library Self-Assessment test, which asked several questions with multiple choice variations of answers to choose from, two questions about what I learned about myself through the assessment and how I would apply it to a workplace situation and an article, by Dr. Fischer, The Gospel and Personal Reflection. This project will discuss the personality type that the assessment decided that I am, which does not match up with the personality type that the Briggs-Myers test that was taken at the beginning of the class assigned to me, then it makes me contemplate if either one is correct. I do not believe or agree with the fee that I had to pay to take …show more content…
God has always been a part of my life, but we have not always gotten along. Back in my teens, due to a very traumatic event in my life I pushed him away and laid the blame for what I went through onto him, asking him as to why did he let that happen to me, why did he not protect me and it was later in my thirties when I finally realized that he did have a purpose for me and that he was there for me the whole time and that in fact he was protecting me or I would not be here today writing this paper. God showed me that I had to see my weaknesses for what they were, accept them and then use them to strengthen me. My all-time favorite Bible verse is found in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (KJV), and after spending two years of my life locked in my home never to go out (agoraphobia), I had a long talk with God and asked him to help me to be a better person and the person he wanted me to be, and he answered me. I was able to get out of the house, use my traumatic experience to help others, to finally just open up my life and heart to him and to just let him lead me where he wants to go. In doing that, I have realized the only way to beat fear is to face it head on, Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not …show more content…
(1995). Psychologial Stress in the Workplace. In R. S. Lazarus, Occupatoinal Stress: A handbook (p. 7). Washington DC: Taylor & Francis Publishers Fischer, Kahlib. (2009, Individual Behavior in the Organization. Lynchburg, Va, Liberty University. Fischer, Kahlib, PhD. (2006). THE GOSPEL AND PERSONAL REFLECTION. Kroeger, Otto,Thuesen, Janet M, Rutledge, Hile (2002). Type talk at work: How the 16 personality types determine you success on the job (2nd ed). New York, NY: Dell Publishing. Pearson PLC. (2015). Pearson Prentice Hall Sellf-Assessment Library.