Hamsterdam Research Paper

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Hamsterdam is an unofficial legalized drug zone in Baltimore. It emerges out of the need to lower crime rate in Baltimore.
Bunny Covin starts out as a Major who does not care anymore because of his nearing retirement. However, the condition of the city makes him feel like a failure, so he decides to make an impact when he has the chance. While all the police are all busy doing street rips, there is no time or people left to do real police work. Baltimore never actually had free zones with open drug markets, as envisioned by Major Colvin. Hamsterdam is an attempt to make the Baltimore drug trade into a fridge market, so the police can corner all of drug dealers when they are no longer alert around the police. At first, the drug dealers refuses …show more content…

In episode two, under the pressure to meet an impossible low crime rate status, Major Bunny Colvin decides to introduce an unorthodox method in order to achieve the goal, setting up a place where police will turn a blind eye to drug dealing.
In episode three, Major Colvin looks for unoccupied areas to be the drug zone, without informing his superiors about his plan.
In episode four, West Baltimore citizens get dragged to hear Major Colvin’s speech about the tolerant zone at a community meeting, but Major has little success convincing people to relocate their illegal businesses to new tolerant zones.
In episode five, with intelligence from McNuttly’s Unit, Major Colvin approaches the mid-level drug dealers to talk about the relocation.
In episode six, frustrated, Major Colvin unleashes the troops on the corner boys ignoring his new edict. Meantime, Stringer explores the opportunities of new drug tolerant zones.
In episode seven, police officers begin to become dissatisfied with policing tolerant zones.
In episode eight, Cutty’s plan for a new life is dismayed at the standard of life for drug users in the tolerant