Hansaplast Condom Commercial Analysis

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1. This commercial is about 59 seconds long

2. The Hansaplast Condom is the product being sold with catch phrase towards the end of the video being "HANSAPLAST CONDOMS. PURE PLEASURE ". While the spoken language is in french, the subtitles and catch phrase are in English.

3. They are selling this product through humor and the naivete of the young child as he keeps returning to his mother for permission in doing things a child his age would be prohibited from doing. The advertisers made this product attractive enough to purchase through irony and comedy since the revelation at the end of the commercial explains the child receives permission from his mother by asking when she is having sex and repeatedly yelling out "Yes!Yes!Yes!". The likely demographics this commercial is targeting is likely young adults and up since, marketing adult products to children would probably be inappropriate and likely illegal. An example from the commercial on how they are selling the product, which is by humor and shock, is by the having the child get a tattoo and promptly stating "My mom said I could" and the demographic and target audience of the probably young adults from France and anyone who is from an English speaking country. This commercial …show more content…

The scene takes places from 00:42-00:59 and takes place in an interior location. The setting used is a hallway in a house near a stairway, outside of a bedroom. A room is not used in this scene and the props used are a single painting and some limited lighting. The time of day is at night since the boy is in pajamas and the limited lighting and much darkness. The characters within this scene is a young boy and his mother as she can heard at the end of the scene. This scene begins with a medium shot since the boy is not near to the camera or far away enough from it. This scene uses he close-up shot as the boy celebrates his final request 's approval. The eye-level shot is also used in this scene after the boy thinks he gets